Innovations Lab

“Creative processes like brainstorming and design thinking can drive ideation and the development of new innovations.“

Our volunteers and experts are constantly working on innovating affordable solutions and products in the focused areas which can be implemented on a mass scale level. We motivate intellectuals to bring together enthusiastic individuals from the community to develop community-centered viable solutions under expert guidance.

We seed fund start-ups and individuals with projects aligned with our objectives.






Innovations we are working on:


“Shwaas” is an effort to cut down the emergency response time by devising first-aid kits which are situation-specific ranging from tactical emergency combat care to cater to the lack of ambulatory services and delayed response time in outreach regions.


“Neer” is a project to develop affordable and readily deploy-able, long lasting rain water harvesting systems for arid, semi-arid and sub-urban regions to cater the domestic water needs of under-privileged communities lacking access to clean water resources in nearby locations. We believe if we can harness the monsoons, we can counter the problems of water scarcity in an efficient way.


“Upvan” an initiative under our campaign “Grow what you Eat” in which we develop solutions for households with little or no access to land, people living in metropolitan & cities. We innovate products which allow the user to grow their own food within their households organically with no physical requirement of land.


“Skylights” an exciting endeavour to utilize sun-rays for passive illumination of spaces. Using prismatic reflections to capture, concentrate and re-distribute sunlight to lighten up areas during day time.


“SOS” is an idea to build a user-friendly SaaS platform for emergency medical response. The vision is to cut down the emergency response time, improve the quality of first-aid and involve every stakeholder – ambulance services, medics, paramedics & hospitals actively in a response.


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